Medication Management


Sentinel™ All-Access Management

Protect Residents with Safe Access to Senior Communities

Custom Screening Questionnaires

Body Temp Checks & Records

Automated Protection Alerts

Digital Visitor Screening for Senior Living Communities

Access management and customizable screening tools that meet CDC guidelines

Comprehensive trend data for contact tracing and regulatory compliance

Automated real-time alerts and notifications help keep communities secure


Sentinel™ access management kiosks and tracking application helps protect your community with safe and effective screening protocols.

Body temperature recording, mask detection and a customizable screening questionnaire for all visitors, including guests, healthcare providers and vendors.

Fully integrated with digital visitor registration kiosks and tablets for a seamless experience.

Supports centralized record-keeping for contact tracing compliance with CDC and local healthcare procedures.

Special Sentinel™ pricing available for new CareSynchrony® communities:

Pharmacy Connect

Sentinel™ is a comprehensive access management solution for senior living communities.

Know in realtime all the visitors that are in your community now. Also keeps track of residents who are off-premises.

Manages the visits of healthcare providers as well as friends and family. Find out the last time a resident had been visited to determine their risk of feeling isolated.

Special Sentinel™ pricing available for new CareSynchrony® communities.

Reporting & Analytics

Sentinel™ is the first line of defense for keeping your community healthy and safe.

Fixed countertop kiosks and mobile tablet configurations available for maximum flexibility and continuous coverage.

Receive automated alerts if anyone banned from the community attempts to sign in.

Special Sentinel™ pricing available for new CareSynchrony® communities.

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